Water Restriction Notice

June 29, 2022

The City of Milbank Water Manager respectfully requests the Citizens of Milbank to follow the following watering restrictions effective immediately until further notice.

It is the homeowner’s responsibility to be aware if there are special restrictions put in place at any time by the Mayor and Council. This can be done by referring to local media sources or calling the city office.

Even numbered addresses may water on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, while odd numbered addresses may water on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No watering outside on Mondays. Hand watering of gardens may be done at any time.

Homeowners and businesses are asked to NOT water between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. for greater water utilization efficiency.

The City appreciates your cooperation and is working toward eliminating all water restrictions in the future.

City of Milbank

Don Settje

Water Manager

Author: MilbankSD

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